- Getting Under the Hood of an Annual Report - Purchase for Individual Use (NOT FOR A COURSE)

- Getting Under the Hood of an Annual Report - Purchase for Individual Use (NOT FOR A COURSE)

  • $ 45.00

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Getting Under the Hood of an Annual Report levels the playing field between the people who need to analyze a public company's annual report and the people who write annual reports. A variety of people with diverse interests read annual reports. Often, the people reading the annual report find it difficult to understand and intimidating. Generally, people reading an annual report are interested in either creating or maintaining a relationship with a public company. They might be prospective employees, creditors, vendors, or investors. They might also be people with a special interest in the company, such as stockbrokers, competitors or regulators. All of these people have a vital need to understand the past and present performance and operation of the public company. They also need a way to reasonably assess the future performance of the company.

This book helps people reading annual reports get the information they need to make more informed opinions about public companies. It gives them the tools to more effectively overcome the agendas of the people writing the annual reports. After reading this book, someone analyzing the annual report of a public company should better informed to buy, hold, or stay away from the public company.

Getting Under the Hood of an Annual Report comes with "The Big Calculating Tool", an Excel-based tool that walks you through the generation, analysis, and visual display of important financial ratios. Not only does The Big Calculating Tool crunch the numbers for you, it also displays the data with built-in line and bar charts. You will quickly see and identify the important financial trends. 

Getting Under the Hood of an Annual Report features:

  • Student Learning Outcomes
  • Case Studies
  • Key Concepts
  • Review Questions
  • Web-Based, Device Agnostic
  • Highlighting and Annotations
  • Online Glossary integrated into Text

Table of Contents

Preface and Acknowledgements
Chapter 1: Getting Started and Prepared
Chapter 2: The Basic Information
Chapter 3: The Chairman and Management Speak
Chapter 4: Where are the Numbers
Chapter 5: Looking Under the Hood of Your Annual Report
Chapter 6: Buy, Sell, Hold or Stay Away
Additional Resources

About The Author 

For the past 30 years, Donald Bittar has helped companies as an officer, board member and consultant to prepare their annual report to shareholders. Presently he is the CFO and board member of First Choice HealthCare Solutions, a public company. He also teaches as an Adjunct Professor in the Graduate School of Business and was the online 2013 Teacher of the Year at the  Bisk College of Business of Florida Institute of Technology.

Donald has continually operated DABittar and Associates, a management and technology consulting firm for public companies and banks. In previous years, Donald was also President and Chairman of Associated Mortgage of North America, Inc. and President and Chairman of Marine Telephone, Inc.

He has been a frequent speaker at the National Association of Mortgage Bankers, National Council of Savings Institutions, Council of Presidents, New England Bankers Association and the National Corporate Cash Managers Association. Mr. Bittar received an MBA from Long Island University in 1964 and is resident of Melbourne, Florida.

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