- Life on this Rock Biology (High School) - Purchase for Individual Use (NOT FOR A COURSE)
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Life on this Rock is the ideal textbook for high school biology because it is designed with both the student and the teacher in mind. For the student, Life on this Rock is written in student-friendly language, making complex processes more accessible. Each unit of study contains essential questions, which will provoke your students to think and explore the very nature of biology.
The student-learning outcomes, written as “I can” indicators, let the student take charge of the learning process. This is a marked difference from other biology textbooks, which phrase student learning outcomes as “Learning Objectives.” As educators, Shea and Gonzalez recognize that the learning process is never finished, therefore, learning outcomes should not be expressed as restrictive, finite goals, but rather should be a springboard for further exploration by the student.
For the teacher, Life on this Rock Biology – High School Edition contains supporting materials centered on the five themes of the NGSS Life Science Standards, as well as the Science and Engineering Practices (SEP), Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI), and Cross-Cutting Concepts (CCC) of the performance expectations.