Moraine Valley Community College - Circuits Analysis - EGN 205 - Boland - Spring 2025
Taught by Professor Boland
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Hands-on learning with student-owned test equipment has proven to be a very effective way to inspire students at all levels to explore the world around them. The ability to freely explore inevitably stimulates ones curiosity to examine the natural world and begins the process of developing design instincts that are so valued in many professions.
Electrical Engineering Practicum provides a hands-on path to exploring the fascinating world of electronics. Each of the fifteen lectures introduces the student to a new electronic device or technology and an associated application. A follow-on laboratory exercise is then conducted individually by the student anytime, anywhere, using their own Personal Test Lab. An online video teaching assistant is provided to assist the student with each lab exercise. In university settings, the lab exercise is then demonstrated by the student to an instructor in small lab sections. No previous experience in electronics is required by the student.
Required Additional Material
Personal Test Lab
The Personal Test Lab is required for conducting the laboratory exercises in Electrical Engineering Practicum. The Personal Test Lab includes the Analog Discovery™, a USB-powered, multi-function test instrument and the Analog Parts Kit™. The test instrument and parts kit were co-developed by Analog Devices, Inc. and Digilent Inc., and are available from the Digilent online store. Click here to purchase.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction to Electrical Engineering, Laboratory Instruments
and Procedures, and the Personal Test Laboratory
Chapter 2. Power Supplies and Electrical Power
Chapter 3. Signal Generators and Waveforms
Chapter 4. Resistors and Ohm's Law
Chapter 5. Diodes and Rectification
Chapter 6. Capacitors and Time Constants
Chapter 7. Inductors and Resonance
Chapter 8. Thermal Sensors and Temperature
Chapter 9. Accelerometers and Tilt Sensing
Chapter 10. Microphones and Sound Sensing
Chapter 11. Radio Frequencies and Amplitude Modulation
Chapter 12. Radio Frequencies and Amplitude Demodulation
Chapter 13. Amplifiers and Sound Amplification
Chapter 14. Infrared (IR) Emission and IR Transmitter
Chapter 15. Infrared (IR) Detection and IR Receiver
About the Author
Dr. Robert J. Bowman
Dr. Bowman is a Professor of Electrical Engineering in the Kate Gleason College of Engineering at the Rochester Institute of Technology, where he also is the Lab Director of the RIT Analog Devices Integrated Microsystems Laboratory. His areas of interest include analog integrated circuit design and technology, semiconductor device physics, integrated transducers, biomedical sensors, and RF integrated circuits. His research has resulted in seven patents.
Dr. Bowman has consulted or has held engineering positions with IBM, Siemens Corp., Analog Devices, Chevron Research, Eastman Kodak Company, Mint Technology, and LSI Logic. He holds a B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Penn State University, a M.S. degree in electrical engineering from San Jose State University, and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering and in bioengineering from the University of Utah.
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