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Students can write a dynamite business plan in just 8 to 16 weeks, using A Good Business Plan is a Beautiful Thing. The book takes students step-by-step through the entire process of writing a comprehensive business plan. Business students and non-business students can use the book successfully. It has been student tested both online and on campus. You can use this book with confidence as the perfect companion project for a class in accounting, finance, marketing or management.
A Good Business Plan is a Beautiful Thing carefully guides the student from the first to the last step in the process of writing a business plan. Included with the book is a suite of modeling tools and a template for the business plan narrative. Seven thorough Excel modeling tools help the student to develop:
- A complete description of what the business is selling.
- The average customer purchase amount, quantity and frequency.
- The customer value and competitive advantage.
- The size and characteristics of the target market
- Revenue and cost forecast
- Strengths, weaknesses opportunities and threats for the business
- Personnel planning
- Startup capital requirements
- Financial statements
- Implementation milestones
At each step in the process, A Good Business Plan is a Beautiful Thing expertly explains which modeling tool to use, how to use it, what to copy and where to paste it in the business plan Narrative Template which is included with the book.
A Good Business Plan is a Beautiful Thing moves beyond the printed page to create a rich learning environment for students. Understanding the significant aspects of the book is supported by 39 expert video explanations and more than 100 links to external sources. The illustrative examples used in the book are based on the types of business selected by many students. The learning curve for students is dramatically shortened by the exhaustive glossary which explains the meaning of more than 220 terms included in the book.
For Instructors
The Instructor’s Feedback Guide will help instructors create a memorable and rewarding learning experience for their students. The Feedback guide anticipates the errors most students make writing their business plans and provides the instructor with full and comprehensive feedback for the error. The Guide eliminates the clerical aspect of grading student submissions by allowing an instructor to copy and paste comprehensive feedback directly into the student’s submission. Seven video enhanced PowerPoint slide decks and a test bank can be used as a turnkey class solution.
Table of Contents
About This Book
Getting Started
Step 1: What You Are Selling
Step 2: Market Analysis and Revenue Forecast
Step 3: Strategy and Implementation
Step 4: Company Resources
Step 5: Financial Statements
Step 6: Introduction and Overview
Additional Resources
About The Author
For the past 30 years, Donald Bittar has helped companies as an officer, board member and consultant to prepare their annual report to shareholders. Presently he is the CFO and board member of First Choice HealthCare Solutions, a public company. He also teaches as an Adjunct Professor in the Graduate School of Business and was the online 2013 Teacher of the Year at the Bisk College of Business of Florida Institute of Technology.
Donald has continually operated DABittar and Associates, a management and technology consulting firm for public companies and banks. In previous years, Donald was also President and Chairman of Associated Mortgage of North America, Inc. and President and Chairman of Marine Telephone, Inc.
He has been a frequent speaker at the National Association of Mortgage Bankers, National Council of Savings Institutions, Council of Presidents, New England Bankers Association and the National Corporate Cash Managers Association. Mr. Bittar received an MBA from Long Island University in 1964 and is resident of Melbourne, Florida.
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